Confidence cannot be purchased.
It has to be cultivated.

Dr Puja


I am Dr Puja!

I am an ABC. I am an Academic Architect, I am a Book Writer and I am a Communication & Confidence Consultant. 

I have a passion to empower people. I have a belief that each person has an inner potential that needs to be explored. I have an expertise of unearthing that potential and making it a possibility. If you allow me, I am your Polaris!


Over the decades I have honed myself as a teacher, advisor, mentor and consultant and the tapestry of my skills is interwoven with experiences from all these segments.

Academic Architect

Academic Architect
and Curriculum Advisor

Empower and mentor the students of today to become strong pillars of the future

Book Author

Book Author
and Research Expert

Give a direction to your vision and dreams, and words to your thoughts

Communication & Confidence Coaching

Communication and Confidence Consultant

Communicate with confidence while you unleash your inner skills and  potential


The Art of Opening Speeches

The opening few seconds of your speech can either make your audience sit at the edge of their seats or take out their phones, make mental to-do lists or simply filter out everything you say. So, why not keep them rooted from the get-go?

Get your audience hooked with 50 powerful techniques and real-life famous speeches from across the globe.

Public Speaking

Let’s Start a Journey to a Confident Tomorrow, Today!